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When refugee youth enter American high schools, they find themselves swimming in a foreign sea. Not only is the educational system new with challenging expectations, but they must also grapple with the social and emotional issues of an American teenager. Additionally, they have to do all of this with limited English language skills, and for many, gaps in their education as a result of years spent in refugee camps.


Youth mentors help guide these teens with issues ranging from basic life skills to exploring career pathways and establishing goals to motivate and guide their progress.


The mentors and students use a guided curriculum and participate in discussions about principles from Sean Covey's book,  “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”.  This also allows students an opportunity to practice English conversational skills. 


Students and mentors meet twice each week for one hour over a twelve-week period. In these sessions, students first meet as a larger group and then break-out into smaller groups to work with mentors. Each mentor works with up to four students, providing a positive influence and encouragement in their lives. 




The encouragement of a positive role model makes all the difference as the mentor follows up on goals and shows a genuine interest in the student's academic, social, and emotional challenges and successes.


From gaps in their education due to years spent in refugee camps, to struggling with the typical social and emotional issues of an american teen, youth refugees need encouragement from positive role models to help them catch the right wave.


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